All you need to interact with Xively


Include the file

// Include after jQuery (required)
<script src=""></script>

Sample usage

// Set your API key first
xively.setKey( "YOUR_KEY_HERE" );
// Get feed content
xively.feed.get( "504", function( data ) {
  console.log( data.title ); // Logs the feed title
// Get realtime updates on a datastream
xively.datastream.subscribe( "61916", "sine60", function( event, data ) {
  console.log( data.current_value ); // Logs value changes in realtime

jQuery Plugin

// Set current value on elements
$('.datastream-value').xively('get', { feed: 61916, datastream: 'sine60' });
// Set and update value in realtime
$('.datastream-value').xively('live', { feed: 61916, datastream: 'sawtooth60' });

Quick Demo

Pro Tip: Stream your CPU stats from your Mac to Xively with iXively